Relumins White Active Glutathione Complex

Relumins White Active Glutathione Complex
Call or Text us +639153463000

How much?
1 bottle Php 2060 each
2-3 bottles Php 2000 each
4-5 bottles Php 1900 each
6-11 bottles Php 1854 each 
12 bottles Php 1648 each
20 bottles Php 1550 each

Benefits of NEW Relumins Advance White Active Glutathione Complex -Oral Whitening Formula Capsules with 6X Boosters
- 60 Vegetarian Capsules 
- 900mg L-Glutathione for maximum skin whitening
- Halal & cGMP Certified
- Proven safe and effective in numerous clinical studies
- Relumins is 5X more effective than Ivory Caps & more than twice as effective as Gluta-C oral whitening formula
- L-Glutathione booster, 225mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid Which Has Been shown to Naturally Support High Levels of Glutathione in the Body 

Relumins L-Glutathione complex is the most advanced oral Glutathione formula available. It is the most effective oral skin whitener available and has numerous other health benefits.

Competitively inhibits melanin synthesis in the reaction of tyrosinase and L-DOPA by interrupting L-DOPA's ability to bind to tyrosinase during melanin synthesis. These results indicate that glutathione inhibits the synthesis and agglutination of melanin by interrupting the function of L-DOPA.It is the master anti-oxidant that helps fight free radicals that causes skin damages. It also contributes to good liver function.

Other Health Benefits
Has been used clinically to treat degenerative brain & liver diseases including Parkinsons.
Cellular protective effects in the eyes, and cardio-vascular system.
Allergies. Glutathione, especially cysteine, improves the body’s non-specific immune responses, producing more T4 white blood cells. They also help to protect the lungs.
Can increase endurance & well being.