130K discount Townhouse in Villa Marcela San Rafael Bulacan

  • 130K discount Townhouse in Villa Marcela San Rafael Bulacan
  • 130K discount Townhouse in Villa Marcela San Rafael Bulacan
Get as much as 130k discountSoon to rise in San Rafael Bulacan Villa MarcelaPinac Pinacan San Rafael, Bulacan Townhouse inner unitLot area: 36sqmFloor area: 44sqm   Sample computation only*Pag-ibig FinancingTotal Contract Price: 880,000Less Discount: 130,000Discounted TCP: 750,000Reservation Fee: 6,000Downpayment for 23 months: 3,217.39 monthly Loanable amount: 670,000 Estimated monthly amortization1st to 29th year: 4,767.2630th year: 4,334.86   *Price may change without prior notice   Feel free to send us a message for inquiry and tripping schedule.God bless! Ronald Musngi09183322217 smart09255662235 sun09771326342 globe   www.facebook.com/VillaMarcelaSubdivisionwww.facebook.com/VillaMarcelaSanRafael