Plumbing Design, Sign and Seal

Plumbing Design, Sign and Seal

I'm a licensed Sanitary Engineer, we can help you with the following services:


✅CNC/ECC permit Application


✅DENR/LLDA Discharge permit (engineer's report and drawings with sign and seal)


✅CMR/SMR reports


✅PTO (Engrs report, drawings with sign and seal)


✅Hazardous waste id


✅Plumbing/ Sanitary/Drainage/Sewerage Design and Sign and seal


✅BIM modelling ( Architecture, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Sanitary, Fire Protection)


✅ BOQ/Cost estimate ( Structural, Civil, Architectural, MEPFS)


✅Fire Protection design


✅Sewage/Waste water Treatment plant Design or Design and Built


✅Water Treatment design or design and built


✅GIS modelling, maps, etc


✅Sanitary Landfill Design


Contact info :

Sanitary Engineer, Master Plumber

cp #: 09952284854